Sunday, December 27, 2009

Grow-your-own to replace false teeth

The British institution of dentures sitting in a glass of water beside the bed could be rendered obsolete by scientists who are confident that people will soon be able to replace lost teeth by growing new ones.

Instead of false teeth, a small ball of cells capable of growing into a new tooth will be implanted where the missing one used to be.

The procedure needs only a local anaesthetic and the new tooth should be fully formed within a few months of the cells being implanted.

Paul Sharpe, a specialist in the field of regenerative dentistry at the Dental Institute of King's College, London, says the new procedure has distinct advantages over false teeth that require a metal post to be driven into the jaw before being capped with a porcelain or plastic tooth.

"The surgery today can be extensive and you need to have good solid bone in the jaw and that is a major problem for some people," Professor Sharpe said.

The method could be used on far more patients because the ball of cells that grows into a tooth also produces bone that anchors to the jaw.

The choice of growing a new tooth is likely to appeal to patients. "Anyone who has lost teeth will tell you that, given the chance, they would rather have their own teeth than false ones," said Prof Sharpe. The average Briton over 50 has lost 12 teeth from a set of 32.

The procedure is fairly simple. Doctors take stem cells from the patient. These are unique in their ability to form any of the tissues that make up the body. By carefully nurturing the stem cells in a laboratory, scientists can nudge the cells down a path that will make them grow into a tooth. After a couple of weeks, the ball of cells, known as a bud, is ready to be implanted. Tests reveal what type of tooth - for example, a molar or an incisor - the bud will form.

Using a local anaesthetic, the tooth bud is inserted through a small incision into the gum. Within months, the cells will have matured into a fully-formed tooth, fused to the jawbone. As the tooth grows, it releases chemicals that encourage nerves and blood vessels to link up with it.

Tests have shown the technique to work in mice, where new teeth took weeks to grow. "There's no reason why it shouldn't work in humans, the principles are the same," said Prof Sharpe.

His team has set up a company, Odontis, to exploit the technique, and has won £400,000 from the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts and the Wellcome Trust.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Workshop Announcement: Strategic Workshop on Principles and Development of Bio-Inspired Materials

Strategic Workshop on Principles and Development of Bio-Inspired Materials

BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna
COST - European Cooperation in Science and Technology


Tuesday 13th April 2010 - Thursday 15th April 2010, Vienna, Austria


University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna
Peter Jordan Str. 82
A-1190 Vienna, Austria

Local Organizer

University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna
Department of Material Sciences and Process Engineering
Institute of Physics and Materials Science (IPM)
Univ.-Prof. Stefanie Tschegg
Peter-Jordan-Straße 82
1190 Wien Tel: +43 1 47654 5160
Fax: +43 1 47654 5159
email: biomat(at)


Bio-inspired materials are becoming of increasing interest in many fields of practical applications. In contrast to man-made materials natural materials such as wood, bone and shells are composed of only limited number of basic components. They gain their diversity in mechanical properties by hierarchical structuring which allows them to fulfil a variety of functions e.g. self-healing, mechanical stability, high toughness.

Due to the quickly advancing physical characterisation techniques our knowledge of the hierarchical structures has increased significantly in recent years and the secrets of form-function relationships are slowly unveiled. But combining the knowledge of natural materials with modern techniques of simulation and fabrication is still the exception due to the lack of communication between bio- and material scientists.

This workshop funded by the COST office aims to be the direct interface between the biological and the processing side to unfold the full potential of bio-inspired materials

The aim of the COST Strategic Workshop is to provide a forum to stimulate interactions between relevant disciplines including biology, materials science, biomimetics, engineering and physics.

The workshop will be organised along three main themes:

  • Material Design Strategies of Nature
  • Implementation of Biological Concepts (Abstraction and Translation)
  • Applications

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Introducing open access journal of Wood Engineering

The Journal of Wood Engineering(JWE) is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal published monthly by Academic Journals ( JWE is dedicated to increasing the depth of research across all areas of this subject.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Artificial Bone Made of Wood

A new procedure to turn blocks of wood into artificial bones has been developed by Italian scientists (in Instituto Di Scienza E Techologia Dei Materiali Ceramici), who plan to implant them into large animals, and eventually humans.

They say the wood-derived bone substitute should allow live bones to heal faster and more securely after a break than currently available implants.Wood closely resembles the physical structure of natural bone, which is very difficult to reproduce with conventional processing technology.

To create the bone substitute, a block of wood, red oak, is heated until all that remains is pure carbon, which is basically charcoal. Then, they should spray calcium over the carbon, creating calcium carbide. Additional chemical and physical steps convert the calcium carbide into carbonated hydroxyapatite, which can then be implanted and serves as the artificial bone.

hardwood microstructure

cancellous bone microstructure

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Gecko setae

Gecko setae stick more strongly the faster they slide. This is because friction between dry, hard, macroscopic materials typically decreases at the onset of sliding, and as velocity increases, friction continues to decrease because of a reduction in the number of interfacial contacts, due in part to wear. Gecko setae did not exhibit the decrease in adhesion or friction characteristic of a transition from static to kinetic contact mechanics. Instead, friction and adhesion forces increased at the onset of sliding and continued to increase with shear speed from 500 nm/s to 158 mm/s.

see more here
(Rate-dependent frictional adhesion in natural and synthetic gecko setae, by Gravish et al)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Research team in Stanford University develops faux wood that can biodegrade


Stanford University researchers have developed a synthetic wood substitute that may one day save trees, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and shrink landfills.

The faux lumber is made from a new biodegradable plastic that could be used in a variety of building materials and perhaps replace the petrochemical plastics now used in billions of disposable water bottles.

"This is a great opportunity to make products that serve a societal need and respect and protect the natural environment," said lead researcher Sarah Billington, an associate professor of civil and environmental engineering.

In 2004, Billington and her colleagues received a two-year Environmental Venture Projects (EVP) grant from Stanford's Woods Institute for the Environment to develop artificial wood that is both durable and recyclable. The research team focused on a new class of construction material called biodegradable composites, or "biocomposites"—glue-like resins reinforced with natural fibers that are made from plants and recyclable polymers.

Billington's group began by testing a number of promising materials. The best turned out to be natural hemp fibers fused with a biodegradable plastic resin called polyhydroxy-butyrate (PHB). "It's quite attractive looking and very strong," said EVP collaborator Craig Criddle, a professor of civil and environmental engineering. "You can mold it, nail it, hammer it, drill it, a lot like wood. But bioplastic PHB can be produced faster than wood, and hemp can be grown faster than trees."

The hemp-PHB biocomposites are stable enough to use in furniture, floors and a variety of other building materials, he added. To degrade, it must be kept away from air—e.g., buried in a landfill—because its decomposition depends on microorganisms that live in anaerobic environments.

"The ideal is to have nice, stable material when it's being used," Criddle explained. "But when it's out of use, it goes to a landfill, degrades quickly, and is reprocessed into new material that stays in a nice, stable form."

Recycling methane

Unlike wood scraps that can sit in landfills for months or years, hemp-PHB biocomposites decompose a few weeks after burial. As they degrade, they release methane gas that can be captured and burned for energy recovery or re-used to make more biocomposites.

"It dawned on us that there are microbes that can make PHB from methane," Criddle said. "So now we're combining two natural processes: We're using microbes that break down PHB plastics and release methane gas, and different organisms that consume methane and produce PHB as a byproduct."

It's the ultimate in recycling, he said: "In our lab, we create conditions where only those organisms that accumulate the most plastic can reproduce. We call the process 'survival of the fattest,' and we have a patent application for it."

Capturing methane has the added benefit of combating climate change, Criddle said, noting that methane gas from landfills and other sources is a powerful global warming agent, 22 times more potent than carbon dioxide gas.

One reason that biodegradable plastics aren't widely used is cost. "We're competing with polypropylene and polyethylene, two really cheap petrochemical products," Criddle said. "Most bioplastics are made using sugar from corn and other relatively expensive materials. But our process uses methane in the biogas from landfills and wastewater treatment plants, which is essentially free."

The potential of producing low-cost, recyclable biocomposites has caught the attention of the private sector. In the next few months, the researchers expect to form a new startup company with venture capital funding.

Biodegradable bottles

Interest in the hemp-PHB biocomposites has moved beyond artificial wood products. In 2008, the research team was awarded a three-year, $1.5 million grant from the California Environmental Protection Agency to develop biodegradable plastics to replace the petrochemical plastics that are used to make disposable water and soda bottles. According to Cal/EPA, plastic bottles accumulate in landfills, the open ocean and coastal areas, causing major problems for birds, mammals and other marine life. "The goal of the state is to protect the environment and promote the development of a new industry that can produce low-cost bioplastics," Criddle said. "We have quite a team of students working on it. We're also collaborating with Curtis Frank, a professor of chemical engineering and a polymer plastics expert."

In 2008, Billington and Frank were awarded a grant from Stanford's Precourt Energy Efficiency Center to develop biodegradable foam for structural insulated panels. They also received new funding from the Woods Institute to explore the feasibility of using Criddle's polymers to manufacture "green glues" that make air quality in buildings less toxic. Lynn Hildemann, an associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, is collaborating on that project.

"We started with biocomposites, and now we're doing bioplastics and thinking about things that affect global warming," Criddle said.

"It's really exciting to watch how the research has branched out into so many areas, from biocomposites to new bioplastics, green glues and foam," Billington added. "The opportunity to collaborate with people of different expertise has been wonderful and very invigorating."

Mark Shwartz is communications manager at the Woods Institute for the Environment at Stanford.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Liquid wood? Could it replace plastic?

I have no comments on this yet, but enjoyed reading the others comments...especially the one from Dr. Johanson!